GIS is a powerful mapping tool used for asset management, data visualization, and spatial analytics.
The City of Fort Worth's Geographic Information Systems (GIS) program collects detailed information
about infrastructure and services to provide planners and emergency responders with the most
complete information possible. The Department of IT Solutions manages the City's enterprise GIS,
providing a common platform for all city departments.
"A geographic information system (GIS) is a framework for gathering, managing, and analyzing data. Rooted in
the science of geography, GIS integrates many types of data. It analyzes spatial location and organizes layers
of information into visualizations using maps and 3D scenes. With this unique capability, GIS reveals deeper
insights into data, such as patterns, relationships, and situations�helping users make smarter decisions." ~ ESRI
"In the strictest sense, a GIS is a computer system capable of assembling, storing, manipulating,
and displaying geographically referenced information, i.e. data identified according to their locations.
Practitioners also regard the total GIS as including
operating personnel and the data that go into the system." ~ USGS
"GIS is an integrated system of computer hardware, software, and trained personnel linking
topographic, demographic, utility, facility, image and other resource data that is geographically referenced." ~ NASA
Map Applications
- City Permitted Pipelines
- Code Violations
- Crime Data
- Downloadable GIS Data
- Economic Development
- Flood Risk Viewer
- Permits
- Zoning
The zipped shapefiles listed below are available free of charge, just click on the links to start your download. These files are supplied for illustrative purposes only. Use of information contained in or derived from these files as a substitute for the practice of registered engineers and surveyors, or in instances where examination of original documents is required is strictly prohibited. There is no warranty expressed or implied of the accuracy or completeness of material contained in the digital files supplied by the City of Fort Worth.
- Abstracts
- ATP - Barrier Mitigation Projects
- ATP - Bicycle Level of Stress
- ATP - Bikeway Prioritization
- ATP - Network
- ATP - Pedestrian Experience Index Intersections
- ATP - Pedestrian Experience Index Segments
- ATP - Pedestrian Prioritization
- ATP - Trail Prioritization
- Benchmarks
- Building Footprints
- Building Permits
- City Flood Risk Areas
- City Limits
- Commercial Corridors
- Council Districts (Current)
- Council Districts (2010)
- Extra Territorial Jurisdiction
- Future Land Use
- Ground Contours 2015
- Growth Centers
- Lakes
- Local Historic Districts
- Lots and Tracts
- Major Streets
- Master Thoroughfare Plan
- Medical Innovation District
- Mobility Innovation District
- Municipal Setting Designations - Groundwater
- Neighborhood Alliances
- Neighborhood Empowerment Zones
Elevation Services
Below are links to Elevation data developed to cover the City of Fort Worth using Lidar data.
Raster based contours can be used in ArcGIS Desktop and ArcGIS Professional.
Vector based tiles are available as hosted tile services, which can only be used in ArcGIS Professional.
- 2019 TNRIS/USGS Raster Layers
- 2024 NCTCOG Raster Layers
Raster Based Services (Desktop/ArcPro/AGOL)
- 2019 Contours - Hosted Tile Service
- 2024 Contours - Hosted Tile Service
Vector Tile Service
(ArcPro/AGOL only)
- 2019 Contours - Vector Tile Package
- 2024 Contours - Vector Tile Package